描述相同Describing similarities
1. Likewise
2. Correspondingly
3. Equally
4. Not only… but also
5. In the same way
6. Similarly
描述因果关系Showing cause and effect
1. Consequently
2. As a result
3. Thus
4. Hence(never ‘hence why’)
5. Since(try to avoid ‘as’ when showing cause and effect)
6. Because
7. Therefore
8. Accordingly
9. This suggests that
10. It follows that
11. For this reason
比较和对照Comparing and contrasting
1. Alternatively
2. However
3. Conversely
4. On the other hand
5. Instead
6. Yet
7. On the contrary
描述局限性Showing limitation or contradiction
1. Despite/in spite of
2. While(not whilst!)
3. Even so
4. On the contrary
5. Nevertheless
6. Nonetheless
7. Although
8. Admittedly
强调、补充和举例Emphasis, addition or examples
1. To illustrate
2. To clarify
3. Further(not ‘furthermore’)
4. First, second and third (not firstly, secondly and thirdly)
5. For instance
6. Moreover
7. Typically
8. Especially
9. In fact
10. Namely
11. In addition
1. To summarize
2. It can be concluded that
3. As can be seen
4. Ultimately
5. Given the above
6. As described